One Day

The Spiral

The Real Natural Order

June 17, 2021

Intro to the Spiral


Life is a spiral of two forces.  The two forces that make up reality are the masculine and the feminine.  These energies spin around each other in a motion to create children, to expand life, and to offer the experience and enjoyment of the Green Gift.  These two energies are polar and incomplete.  They seek resolve in each other like magnets spinning around each other.  In physics, this phenomenon is referred to as charge valence.  They come together and complete each other.  This phenomenon is a duality in that it is both physical and spiritual/emotional, which I’ll explain.  This combination of energies is dually the biological systems which produce life and the spiritual/emotional systems we refer to a as security and fulfillment.  It’s a dual occurrence of the physical and spiritual.  These two forces physically and emotionally actuate the desires of the sexually selective evolution inside sexually dimorphic species.  I’ll explain more and hopefully make this clearer.  This conversation is about understanding us as humans and the way our minds work.


What is Life?


We, along with many other species, travel through time via sexual replication.  We have offspring that carry on into the future as we individually pass away.  Species which traverse time through sexual replication are biologically sexually dimorphic.  "Di-morphic" means two forms.  This means that they are binary, and the human's two forms are called male and female with specific chromosomal configurations for each.  Humans DNA contains 23 pairs of chromosomes and each chromosome pair has one contributed chromosome from the mother and one contributed chromosome from the father.  22 of the chromosome pairs determine solely physical characteristics.  The 23rd chromosome pair is called the sex chromosome and determines the sex of the fertilized egg and offspring.  Male sex chromosome configuration is noted as XY and Female chromosome configuration is noted as XX.  Other sex chromosome patterns exist but are disordered, highly infertile, and not included inside the mechanism of sexual selection reproduction.  They are not part of this conversation.  For the purposes of this conversation, when I say chromosomal pattern, I’m talking about the configuration of the sex chromosome because this conversation is about sexual selection evolution and the binary nature of life.  This conversation is about the two energy forms that originate from the two forms of sex chromosome expression which are XX and XY.


We travel through time by accruing genetic adaptations inside our DNA's genetic code if those adaptations help us adapt and survive inside the Green Gift.  The Green Gift being this world we were offered.  Our genetic code travels inside of us and we carry it with us in the nucleus of each one of our cells.  We are the vessels that carry the genetic code through time.  In the course of a genetic code traveling through time, it travels through the many generations of a species, like us humans.  In its travel, the genetic code replicates itself in two ways.  A lot through cells multiplying as a being grows and a little through the being making cells to breed like sperm and eggs.


Personal cellular growth is the normal growth of a being as it ages.  We as individuals get physically larger and we get heavier.  Our cells multiply.  During this process, the DNA strand doesn't change and stays stable for the most part simply replicating cells.  There’s some other stuff to note here like the phenomena of X inactivation, but I’m going to keep it a little simpler here.  The future of the DNA expression does not experience any significant changes or recombination during this time.  During this process, the DNA strand is traveling through time with no change.  This time I'm referring to is the life of the creature.  DNA is stable throughout the life of a creature and doesn’t change.


In sexually dimorphic species, a fertilization process occurs to create a new life and a new being.  This is the breeding process in transition from one generation to the next.  During this fertilization process, the future of the genetic DNA code does experience a change and recombination.    The fertilization process is a genetic recombination which produces a new and different DNA combination from either of the contributing parents’ DNA.  Even more interesting is the fact that, after the fertilization process, the resulting fertilized egg’s DNA set is a universally unique set of DNA which has never occurred before in history anywhere on Earth or throughout existence.  Its uniqueness includes all of time back to the big bang.


Though each of the fertile sexual participants has two sex chromosomes like the XX and XY pattern, the two combining sex chromosomes that go into a fertilized egg are each just one of the parent’s full pairs of sex chromosome.  The male has a sex chromosome pair of XY and will contribute only one of his two chromosomes which will either be an X or a Y chromosome.  The female has a sex chromosome pair of XX and will contribute only one of her two X chromosomes.  They will each contribute one of their two sex chromosomes in this way to make a full pair for the fertilized egg.  A cell carrying only half pairs of chromosomes is referred to as haploid cell (meaning half).  A cell carrying full pairs of chromosomes is called diploid (meaning whole).  Sperm and egg cells are examples of haploid cells, and your fully formed cells like your heart and skin cells are diploid.  A fertilized egg is a diploid cell and the first in the chain of cells of a new being entering the Green Gift.


In humans, the male contributes a haploid cell with a copy of either his X or his Y sex chromosome, and the female contributes a haploid cell with a copy of either her X or her other X sex chromosome.  The male haploid cell is called a sperm, and the female haploid cell is called an egg.  The produced diploid cell is called a fertilized egg and is a new set of DNA.  As I stated before, the fertilized egg is a new set of DNA chromosomes and the new creature will have a combination of the contributing parents physical and mental features.  And keep in mind that the mental features are a product of the physical features of the brain, so the mental features, like optimism and aggression, are also physically derived and coded in the DNA.  We all know that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 


While there is quite a bit of misinformed conversation and debate over when life begins, life is actually never begun or ended.  The male was "alive", contributed a "live" sperm cell to a "live" egg from a "live" female.  The combination of the two created a "live" fertilized egg.  This new egg now has its own new, unique DNA strands and immediately begins cellular replication to produce more "live" cells.  Those live cells are a "live" zygote and fetus, and the produced born baby is also "alive."  Life doesn't start at fertilization.  Life is a continuous motion of "live" cells which carry out all the cellular level processes of life individually.  Each cell lives out its own adventure and life span.  Life doesn't start at fertilization, it started millions and millions of years ago and never stopped.  It's a continuous chain of DNA replication and "living" cells tumbling through time.  This is the Tree of Life and its millions of years old or more, and so are you.


What compels you?


Life pulls you in many different directions.  Social, political, and other obligations…  We're constantly looking for the solutions to the world’s problems.  But these problems we see are all abstractions of the base forces in life which are the resolve to breed, see the life we were given replicate, and watch it grow from birth towards consciousness as we did on our path towards our destiny.  To give something the Green Gift as we were given and protect it as it experiences life.  This is the true drive of mankind and of all sexually dimorphic creatures.  The course of our destiny is to travel through the world, find ourselves in the same place we started, and recognize it for the first time.


Everything in our lives from buying coffee, to finding a job, to cutting the grass ultimately serves our need to compel the next generation.  Some is more direct like smiling at a girl, and some is less direct like setting up a 401k.  However, it's all to server and expand the Tree of Life and a larger plan of our Genesis that we could never fathom.


Our base form is this ancient chain of cellular proliferation traveling through time as a Tree of Life.  It’s actually the thing passing through time and we act out it's confrontations with the physical world as individuals.  We are really just contributing to its confrontation with the inanimate physical world.  The Tree of Life is animate and the basis of the physical universe is inanimate.  The miracle of Life is to turn the inanimate into the animate and create life from non-life.  The miracle of G-d is to literally makes something out of nothing.  It is self-actualizing in this physical plane and that’s why our self-actualization is so important to us as individuals.  The Tree animates the lifeless world like a plant’s roots digging into the soil.  It's growth in our respect, requires birth of children which explains why all of our genetic code is code for breeding.  It never dies, and it’s older than the Sun.  You are older than the Sun.


The Tree requires that you be bold in the solutions to your problems because while you may think them difficult and numerous, you were given the spark of divinity.  The love for your children and mate is evolutionary in that it compel you to never give up.  You are designed to never know exactly why you must carry on, yet also designed to feel that everything rests on your choices and that you must do the right thing.  Do you feel that?  That feeling is accident and is written in the DNA of each one of your cells.  It was in the egg with you when you became fertilized and could be traced back to the Genesis of the Tree.  There’s a lot to lose here because we know there’s even more to gain as the light concords the darkness.  We personally know that our self-actualization can make something where there is nothing.


As Individuals


From our point of view, our thoughts are motions towards securing our survival and our family's survival.  We are extensions of the Tree’s attempts to grow and survive.  That's why our core priorities are family then self.  That being true, all of our resolves and desires in life are oriented around and derived from the goals of the survival of the larger Tree of Life.  These resolves and desires are coded into our DNA as basic reactionary systems and hormonal emotional systems.  Our emotions are based off survival, breeding, and protecting family.  That’s what the Tree of Life needs.


From our internal perspective, our moment-to-moment interactions and behaviors are based off of what we refer to as fulfillment, which is emotionally based off family.  This means that most if not all of our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are oriented towards the opposite sex.  That is why our life on Earth is a tight link between the two base forces of the masculine and the feminine.  Life from our emotional standpoint is these two energies spinning around each other seeking to become one and resolve.  Family and belonging are hidden goal and love is the answer.


All of our lives we dance with and around the opposite sex.  Hopefully at some point we make a meaning full bridge into someone else’s life, establish trust, and have children.  Hopefully, we line it up right, know how to take care of that child, and teach it what it needs to survive.  This is the motion of a person and a family surviving as individuals.  From the bigger picture, you can see it's the motion of the Tree of Life growing and overcoming the inanimate space it found itself in.  A place that was once without form, and void.  A place where darkness was upon the face of the deep, but now there is light.  It made that light.  It made the light for us.  It spreads, grows, and creates our experience as it steps through this place.


Why Two?


Dimorphic species have, at some point along the line, adapted a dual form approach to accelerating their genetic testing and adaptation processes.  Species that have this dual form of genetic testing experience genetic recombination and acquire adaptations exponentially faster than species that have a monomorphic genetic alignment.  Single form approach DNA must slowly achieve genetic recombination and slowly acquire adaptations through environmental or accidental means like radioactive genetic interference.  These less predictable, environmental recombinations of the DNA are rarely stable and thus rarely produce a successful new genetic adaptation.  They much more rarely create a DNA strain viable to recurring life.  Monomorphic species evolve very slowly and stay stagnant when compared to dimorphic species.  Monomorphic genetic species are like genetic looping machines, and they just kind of run without much change.  Dimorphic sexual selection is an advanced genetic adaptation strategy, and it’s capable of extraordinary adaptation from generation to generation.


Dimorphic species, like humans, split their genetic configurations into two alignments, such as the human male and the human female.  And those alignments are coded with hormonal sequences which produce emotional behavioral patterns that make the two forms seek each other emotionally for fulfillment.  Our emotional/spiritual “seeking” is our individual energy of one of those two forms.  The two forms of interacting energies are the masculine and feminine energy.  The masculine and the feminine energy dance with each other and spin around each other in what I call “The Spiral.”  Emotionally speaking, the nature of our lives is a Spiral where the masculine and feminine spin around each other seeking to become whole.  The world you see in front of you is a mask for that spiral motion.  By mask, I mean that it looks like a bunch of small or large problems, but each of those problems is just an abstraction either physical or emotional to the pair bonding and family desires which are derived from the tension between the two base forces of the Spiral as it spins. 


The two genetic forms in the dimorphic system have evolved to facilitate accelerated genetic adaptation.  The two most notable hormones that highly differentiate the two forms are testosterone and estrogen.  Males have more testosterone boosted from the point of egg fertilization on due to a section of genetic code inside the Y chromosome called the SRY component.  In males, this testosterone boost starts at around two or three weeks of inception and produces exaggerated aggression, emotions of being a protector, physical lean muscle, and heavier bone density in general.  Females lack a Y chromosome and ultimately have more estrogen.   In females, this abundance of estrogen physically effects the fetus throughout development and produces stronger empathic emotions, accelerated abilities to read facial and tonal non-verbals, agreeableness, softer muscle tissue, and thinner bone density in general. 


The testosterone washing over the male fetus from the Y chromosome produces accelerated features and exaggerates both physical and mental attributes which carries both the possibility of greatness and the possibility of utter failure.  Male genetic outcomes are less stable and thus produces an experimental effect inside the two base forces.  Female genetics are more stable and produce less variation which creates a stabilizing effect inside the two forces.  This alignment of these two forces is what creates the accelerated genetic evolution of sexually dimorphic species.


One half is stable and the other is experimental.  The stable half can consciously look across at the experimental half and make a breeding decision by choosing from the experiments that it sees on the other side.  This is called sexual selection evolution.  Unlike monomorphic species which must rely on radiation or long term accidental genetic recombination, dimorphic species experience a recombination every generation.  The fertilized egg experiences a significant recombination.  That genetic recombination is carried out with conscious intention. Sexually dimorphic species experience accelerated genetic adaptation fueled by oceans of unstable/experimental genetic patterns being observed and selected for breeding by an ocean of slightly more stable genetic patterns.  The males are the experimental half and the females are the stable half.


This amazing hormonal balance is a miracle, and its genius.  It facilitates both stability and broad experimentation of genetic combinations simultaneously.  This is how humans have made it this far.  The two forces are beautiful and have their purpose which we can only second guess to our demise.  The Tree’s plans are glorious.  Our plans are ignorant, short sighted, and dangerous.


Fixing the World’s Problems


We have a lot of choices in life, and it seems like there’s a lot to figure out.  But in reality, we’ve been here for a long time, and we’re more subject to the experience of life than the experience of life is to us.  Some things are just written in the stars y’all.  After all, there is no place like home.  And you don’t have to know why.  It just is What It Is. 


Lots of our problems are just perceived problems or problems with the way we are looking at things.  We don’t have to solve every problem, and the solution to most of the problems in our lives isn’t a quest to march out into the world and solve, but instead the calm tranquility of simply moving in concert with our base imperative.  This base imperative is simply going into the Spiral where our DNA contains emotional fulfillment for each of us.  The path we seek in life isn’t into the world but instead into the Spiral where we are elated by the Tree of Life instead of endlessly chasing our own ambition.  The problems we see are masked discomforts based off genetic, hormonal signals that we are off the mark.  We are either on the mark or off the mark.  The mark, in the end, is actually the path that the Tree of Life is choosing.  We are actually just choosing to move with the Tree of Life or in some other direction against the Tree of Life.


By choosing alternative paths, we find ourselves experiencing the emotions of sadness and loneliness which are actually hormones written into our DNA as signals of being off the path or off the mark.  By choosing the path of the Tree of Life, we move in the direction of our genetic, hormonal, and emotional evolution and are biologically rewarded with fulfillment and elation hormones.  Overall, the discontentment we feel in life is actually due to ignoring the Tree of Life and believing our own plan is better, which is a lie that we offer ourselves like a shiny apple from a snake.  A snake that told us we can create something better than the garden we live in freely.  By biting the apple, we only find out what fools we were to let go of the beautiful garden we had.


The path of fulfillment and long-term happiness is into our own minds to explore that hidden frontier with someone else that can go with you.  Only a man and a woman can walk into this Spiral.  The Spiral then produces offspring of yourself in which you can see a reflection of yourself and recognize it for the first time.  Only though the Spiral can you find that you fulfilled your obligation to continue life and gave gratitude to the Tree of Life which brought you here.


There are many events that produce fulfillment along the right path of course.  It’s not as simple as just breeding.  But the children are of course the key event along the path.  Good examples, other than seeing your child born, are watching your daughter be married and carry on her own journey, watching your children's piano recitals, teaching your son how to ride a bike, seeing you daughter with her first child, etc.  There are different stages of gifts from the Spiral like gifts from the early stages of dating and having kids vs. the gifts from the later stages of happiness like seeing your grandchildren grow, learn, and spending time with them.  All of these are movements into the Spiral nature of life and revolve around your relationship with the opposite sex and building a strong bridge into the next generation for life.


When you see your daughter with her child, that is a movement into the Spiral and rewarding just like when you work on furniture with your grandson or go hunting.  The Spiral nature of life is into the family orientation and teaching your offspring how to thrive in this world.  The way to solve the world’s perceived problems is not by seeking into the physical world, but instead by going into the Spiral because these listed activities produce contentment in all living beings.


Don't let anyone get in the way of your journey into the deeper realms of your experience, and don't think it's anyone else’s job.  Remember, the Tree of Life is testing the ground for fertile mentalities that can carry it on and, with that, has a vested interest in offering you death.  That’s why G-d made the snake.  Never forget that G-d made that snake.  The Tree of Life needs to find out if you’re weak and dispatch you if you are.  The only real dangers in our world are the disturbances in the Spiral nature of life, of which there are many.  Your family is your responsibility and the world’s problems are distractions that can work themselves out only when family and community become our focus.  Don’t fight the world.  Just walk into the Spiral!  It's what you were designed for and nothing else will work.


One last note, you have a purpose.  This is not a coincidence.  When you realize that you must confront the destiny you were given and what it will take to defend this Tree, you’re going to have to...


Wake the Lion!