Morality isn't arbitrary
Morality is thought sometimes to be socially derived. It seems more evolutionarily adaptive to me though. I find it apparent that the top of the hierarchy of needs is to understand What Is and finding purpose of spirit. Society can't get past a certain point without everyone understanding base morals and understanding fully what it means to be moral. This understanding can also not be forced. It must be realized internally through self-reflection after observation of the real world. We have to be observant enough to look at the world and derive what must be for us to continue generational growth.
Somehow our ancestors had a list with which to base a moral life. They align society and had values thousands of years before our time. These values turn out to be timeless and applicable in every generation and age. I'm talking about basic morals like not to steal and not to covet your neighbor’s wife. What Is gave us those rules and told us we would never completely understand them but to follow them. By What Is, I mean The Thing That Is. The proper noun Thing That Is that denotes everything and our experience. The word God attempts this unfathomable denotation as well.
We live in a very masked society and we are constantly drawn away from discussing the things that would help us move forward. We are purposely dragged off the path. It’s getting more difficult and almost impossible to say things that must be said to fix the growing mental illness around us. The world is officially very sick and it shows. Between political correctness and cultural Marxism, we are boxed in and the truth is boxed out. Only the brave will make it out. I’m here to rally the troops for what is to come. The truth is, we didn’t create morality. It was shown to us to either accept or to deny. The world we thought we were in is fake and everyone is lying to you about almost everything. And worst of all, you are lying to yourself and trying to ignore it. We are officially part of the world’s sickness.
Nietzsche said that people ignoring God, What Is, or What Is True would lead to people into thinking they must make their own reality and thus the rules of morality. He correctly noted that this would end in sorrow and nihilism. He was right about that of course. But given more time, I believe that Nietzsche would also come to the realization that this negative occurrence of a cycle of nihilism actually has a purpose. The prodigal son needed to go on his journey, right? It was his destiny and it is our destiny as well. The reason that it needs to happen is so that a species can see the degradation associated with moral collapse and human defined pseudo morals. Nihilism is a natural occurrence of a sickening species and a necessary internal reflection of an individual or species. This special point of internal reflection offers the golden opportunity to fully understand morality and its necessity in a way that is not forced. It’s not forced on you because your revolt against the pseudo-morality of your fellow humans will start to tear into your mind and heart in a way that you will no longer be able to ignore. You’re most likely near or at that point already. When you get there, you will know that we bring the sorrow upon ourselves. This is the only way to naturally prompt a push an individual and by proxy a species towards harmony in any society or species and Nietzsche seemed to miss that. The realization to not steal and covet is in our evolutionary path. It’s not simply for the sake of being a good person.
Put more simply, people ignoring the basic commandments would lead to a time of nihilism sorrow and potential extinction. The reflection of the individuals at that point in time would forge a species that understood that we can't make our own morals and the commandments where the proper path, though they can't be proven. That's what I mean by the cycle of nihilism from which we learn and evolve. The tumultuous nature of our times is proof a golden opportunity is near.
Hard times produce good men. The good men are an evolutionary adaptation that is required to make it through that point in time. And, there will be more moral gates to our survival in the future assuming we come together and successfully pass through the current gate. Man-made pseudo morals bring about sorrow and death, while surrender to what has worked and base morals brings about thriving. It's a basic phenomenon in life, and we find that in time. God didn't die, we just stopped listening. But now we are dying, and we are starting to listen again. We have to and we will die if we don't. We don't choose what's moral and we never did.
The truth about it is that our commandments are not demands. They are offers of survival in a world that we could never tame with our bureaucracies and technology. And there would be no beauty in our worldly experience if you could not turn the commandments down. The world couldn't be beautiful if it couldn't be lost forever. There would be no beauty in What Is, The Thing That Is, if our survival and generations were guaranteed. The Thing That Is is fighting to be here and by proxy as a part of It, you are fighting to be here as well. It gave us the psychological and spiritual tools to accomplish this. They are the commandments.
Morality is not meant to be forced. This is what people are talking about when they say you can't legislate morals. If you could legislate morals then they wouldn't have any value and life would be solved without each person evolving. Morals are about the self-actualization of the individual and as it's said, can't be legislated or imposed. Life in time works towards harmony, that all beings will get along at a certain point, and they will live in a way that is sustainable for ages.
This is the end goal of the process of What Is, but What Is setup the equation so that we realize how we are to go about this on our own. It does not set it up to force you to behave. You can't force a horse to drink right. If you have to force the horse to drink, there's no value to the horse because it's going to be dead soon anyways. The only value in a horse is that it exists and knows to drink water on its own. Get ready for humanities great revival of faith, which we all see coming. Get ready for the shrieks from the ancient darkness that has held us back.
Wake the Lion!